What is an openbite?



An open bite is a dental condition where there's a gap between the upper and lower front teeth.

What is an openbite?

An open bite is a dental condition where there's a gap between the upper and lower front teeth. This gap prevents the teeth from making proper contact, affecting both esthetics and function. At Happy Orthodontics, we address open bites through personalized orthodontic treatments. Braces, Invisalign, or other corrective measures may be recommended to gradually close the gap and achieve a well-aligned bite. Our orthodontic specialist is dedicated to creating a tailored plan that ensures optimal results for both appearance and functionality.

How do you treat a openbite?

Treating an open bite involves orthodontic interventions to close the gap between the upper and lower front teeth. At Happy Orthodontics, our skilled professionals may recommend braces, Invisalign, or other orthodontic appliances to gradually shift the teeth into their correct positions. Functional appliances or habit-breaking devices might be suggested if the open bite is related to oral habits. Early intervention is essential for effective treatment, and your orthodontist will create a personalized plan to address your specific open bite, aiming for improved function and a esthetics. Regular monitoring and adjustments support successful correction.

What is an openbite?

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