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    What is Thumbsucking/Digit Habits?

    Many children suck their thumb, or finger(s) (digit habit) for comfort or in boredom.

    How do thumbsucking/digit habits affect teeth and jaws?

    • Overbite
    • Open bite
    • Posterior crossbite

    What to do about thumbsucking/digit habits?

    There is no magic cure or magic technique that always works to get kids to stop sucking pacifiers or thumbs.

    Most kids who suck a pacifier stop by the age of 3 and a half. Most kids who suck fingers or a thumb stop a little later, about 4 and a half years of age.

    If a habit persists beyond a time where the parent feels uncomfortable or it’s getting close to the time for permanent teeth to come in (around 5 years old), then you can try the following things:

    •  THUMBSUCKINGGentle reminders are usually the first step as scolding generally makes the situation worse
    • Get them occupied with other activities or interests
    • Ensure to have regular oral checkups
    • Monitor for any chewing difficulties
    • Encourage regular oral assessments while your child is teething

    If you are seeing a general decrease in the amount of sucking, then you are on the right track. Night time-sucking is the last to go, and the most difficult to stop.

    For more information about thumbsucking/digit habit treatment, please contact our office.

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