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    Understanding Bite in Dental Health

    The relationship between the upper and lower jaws creates a bite that is specific to each individual patient, which ultimately determines their dental function.  When the function is suboptimal, teeth can experience unwanted or excessive forces which compromise their integrity.  The jaw joint, known as the TMJ can also suffer and lead to chronic joint pain.  Seeing an Orthodontist to help improve your bite is strongly recommended as early as possible.

    Different types of Bite:

    -Crowded bite – there is too little room for all the teeth

    -Gap Bite – there is spacing between teeth

    -Malaligned bite – teeth are not lined up with the facial midline

    -Overbite – upper front teeth come down far in front of lower teeth

    -Underbite – caused when lower jaw sticks out too far forward

    -Deep bite – upper teeth cover too much of the lower teeth when biting down

    -Open bite – sections of teeth do not come together completely when biting down

    -Crossbite – upper teeth fit inside the lower teeth rather that outside

    All of these different bite conditions will require a specific bite correction approach, which will vary depending on the unique nature of a patient’s teeth, bite, and jawbone structure and function.