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    There are two types of retainers; a permanent fixed retainer that consists of a wire that is ‘cemented’ to the inside of your teeth, or a removable retainer that you wear every night and remove in the morning. There are advantages and disadvantages to both types, a discussion with our office will allow you to make an informed decision.


    Fixed Retainers present a challenge if the ‘cement’ comes off or if the wire breaks or bends from biting into something hard. The problem would need to be addressed immediately in order to prevent unwanted tooth movement. Fixed retainers also provide an additional challenge with respect to oral hygiene. Diligent oral care is required to ensure that optimal gum health is maintained, and flossing techniques may need to be modified to include a floss threader to effectively floss under the wire.


    Removable retainers come in two different variations. One is a clear thermoformed retainer, and the second is a Hawley retainer (consisting of acrylic and a wire that sits across the front of the teeth). Removable retainers allow for easier oral hygiene control, as the retainers are simply removed prior to brushing and flossing.  Their biggest challenge, however, is that compliance is an absolute requirement.  If the retainers are not worn, teeth may move.


    Retention is for life! Retainers should be used as long as you want your teeth to remain in a new position. Without retainers, teeth have a natural tendency to relapse to how they were prior to orthodontic treatment.

    Please ensure you follow the retainer care instructions to achieve the best results. 

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